Launched out of 'The O.C.' [Orange County, California], just a few blocks from Disneyland, Sun Imaging is celebrating our 35th in digital imaging and 30th as a world renown ISP (Internet Service Provider) consulting firm.
Our clients primarily come from arts & entertainment avenues although we've helped many individuals, small business, even multi-nationals spanning from the Hawaiian Islands to Switzerland. We strive to treat each project as we would our own, perhaps even better.
Charles Wolfe
Founder & Chief
& Programmers
Alexander Dolinin - Lake Tahoe, NV
Joy Hamel - Northern CA
Mike Setzer - Seattle, WA
Charles Wolfe - Farmland, IN
Ms. Linda Jones, Accounts Payable / Receivable
David Coons - Vista del Mar, CA
D.E. French - Orange County, CA
Alexander Kaloian - Seal Beach, CA
*> See what our clients say about Sun Imaging